Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Rules

I know there are a lot of different ways to approach the concept of pacifism in game. People suggest only healing, or only killing mobs that are machines or ghosts. And that outlook has a lot of appeal, considering that it wouldn't hamstring me very much. But this is an exercise in overcoming limits not simply getting around them. So this is the concept of pacifism as applied to the character Qepxexl.

1. No killing at all. Subdue and Capture are often used as flavor text for killing, so if I have to beat something down to that point, then it's no go. Trapping and Fishing are also out. Qepxexl will only wear fabrics fashioned from roots or metal.

2. However, it might happen that a quest that does have me capture or subdue registers as a kill, such as the sparring partner on the island, or the capture the rumblers. If this happens I'll blame the mechanic and write an explanation for that kill. In this case, neither of those quests registered as kills, so no problems yet. But I was afraid it might happen in the future.

3. No proxies. There will be no support for violent players from this character. Qepxexl will not purchase items gained from kills. Nor will she have someone else do the killing in order to loot a drop quest. Nor will she participate in a group that plans to kill anything. However, if she finds a drop quest left abandoned with no one around she is free to loot and use it, because it was going to waste anyway, and the person that did the deed will not benefit from the action.

Please keep in mind that this is purely a character concept not a reflection of my personal beliefs.

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